Friday, January 22, 2010


The world wants lovers never pain
To dance in sunshine without rain
Our very nature will cause a rift
Away from Eden we slowly drift

Human nature a cunning score
Breaks the heart whom we adore
For want of love unconditioned
Search the world for our rendition

Young love will often never last
For inner tensions we are cast
Still we search for a kindred soul
A companionship to make us whole

1 comment:

  1. Very true and interesting thoughts it has led me to look in the areaas where I have the most control for my joy. I love the line a championship to make us whole. I have a strong competitive streak and I have learned to better direct it. I compete in tons of things so I use my competition muscle in a healthy way and not just to stick it to people around me.

    I like reading this.

    Kindest regards,
    Tom Bailey
