Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Friend

I watch you friend revisit the past
Hoping to make those memories last
Chasing that unforgetable ghost
To heal that wound that hurts the most

Look forward friend to brighter days
Don't wander in you heart's decays
I'm here to listen when you need a friend
Don't ever think you've reached the end

I understand too the pain you feel
However different, my pain's still real
Yes, God's love will see us through
But we sometimes need a friend's love too

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas upon us as I search for that joy,
that can't be delivered by Santa or toy;
That peace so elusive it's just out of reach,
not the kind that is found relaxed on some beach;
That hope so internal, it's way deep inside,
can only be found when we remember who died;
The love that we give and love we receive,
Is a true gift to us when we sincerely believe.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Could Have

You could have said hi
Or your final good-bye
Instead of playing your silent game

You could have said hi
But didn’t even try
And I am not taking the blame

You could have said hi
Or continued the lie
Just by whispering my name

You could have said hi
But just let me cry
I’m wondering why you even came

You could have said hi
Or just a sad sigh
To let me know it’s still not the same