Thursday, November 27, 2008

From A Random Visit

A maiden on the park bench sat
So verily I began to chat

Striking beauty and heart of gold
I wondered loudly how she grew old

"I married once, you know," she said
"the rejection of his heart I bled"

She tossed a laugh and crossed her brow
"Never again, that was my vow"

"Unless a love was perfect whole
marriage would never be my goal"

"Instead I loved far and wide
Never assenting to be a bride"

"One I loved for his sweet kisses
but integrity this man misses"

"Two was for his moral side
but his sense of humor I couldn't bide"

"Three and four were of the scholar type
who brushed me off with an easy swipe"

"Five was artist simple and pure
with a soul as tortured as mine I'm sure"

I went about my busy day
pondering all she had to say

Now my life craves something more
But what it was I wasn't sure

A connection that answers every dream
isn't possible or so it'd seem

So onward with the endless quest
to find the love that fits me best

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Just happened to come by and found your blogg, beautifully written poems! I also love Emily and many other hundreds of notorious men and women that influenced writing thru the ages. Specially love the poems of Rumi, the writings of the great eastern poets and writers.
    Come by and visit my blogg, you are very welcome!
    Have fun writing and inspiring the world!
