Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Call

What’s my call but a vessel
A witness in retrospect
But with myself I wrestle
A victim to circumspect

Angels on high gathered round me
And sang me their golden word
Their love and strength to lift me
Till my soul soared like a bird

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Emotional Rollercoaster

Backwards, sideways, and upside down
Should make me smile, instead I frown

Loops and corkscrews, gaining speed
One gives attention, the other I need

Rising high to spiral down
In my heart I slowly drown

Slowing now to catch a breath
Love is languid surly death

Drop again from fearful height
Which path of heart leads to right

Turn and twist a sudden course
Awaiting knight on gilded horse

Easing in to end the chase
Neither one will win the race

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reflection on a Summer Day

Mine feet were firm
- upon the ground
When He coaxed my gaze
- toward His mighty crown

Those troubled clouds
- caught my eye
And welled in me
- the need to cry

Drifting silent
- through somber sky
The breeze let loose
- her siren’s sigh

I gazed ahead
- as sun broke through
It warmed my blood
- with reverence true

Friday, November 6, 2009

'neath the mulberry tree

Always faithful by my side
For you my friend today I cried

I’ve buried you ‘neath the mulberry tree
The changing leaves for you to see

I quietly watched you slip away
From my heart you’ll never stray

I’ve buried you ’neath the mulberry tree
The summer flowers for you to see

Struggling to prolong your death
You gave love ’til dying breath

I’ve buried you ’neath the mulberry tree
Our changing lives for you to see

Today my friend I’ve said goodbye
But carry your spirit ‘til I die

I’ve buried you ‘neath the mulberry tree
Ever intertwined in our lives you’ll be

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Muse

Muse and art an inspiration
Yet to His work dedication
Failing eyes to see His glory
Rendering me to tell His story
In His love I can’t regret
Endless quest to ease our debt
Never fail to raise my spirit
Destiny, I can not fear it

Muse reflects an amazing gift
Yet through my thoughts I must sift
Mental notes flit through my mind
Until of consciousness I’m blind
Silent tears to right our wrongs
Endless prose will fill our songs

Muse in many different type
Yet in vision always ripe
Proof of His ever-lasting love
Owe my work to Him above
Writing in His glorious name
Every verse is not the same
Reveling in this wondrous game

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finding Inspiration

To be creative I must waste my time
Clear my head and be sublime
Find my muse and set it free
Let the words come in to me
Venture mourning and venture death
Give every word it’s living breath



You were
Once mine
Always mine
Never mine again

I was
Always me
Eternally me
Not enough to be

You are
Gone away
Far away
Never going to stay

I am
Set free
Flying free
Open eyes to see

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I’m going to daydream today
Let my mind wander and play
Of castles and moats
Of pirates and boats
And frolics through the hay

Real knights on white horses
Follow steady true courses
As dragons they slay
To save the dame’s day
And protect her from evil forces

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sestina Challenge** (Turn of Twisted Luck)

A pretty maid to comb her hair
She sat patiently upon the chair
Not a strand had ever been cut
But this day was to test her luck
Tangled mass waiting for golden shear
Her heart beats fast as scissors near

As scissors hover oh so near
She muses on her golden hair
Which has never touched a shear
Or graced the back of this ugly chair
Pondering on her ill fate luck
And how it was she came to cut

Dreading such a drastic cut
As time closed in fast and near
A different fate was not her luck
Took a knot to sacrifice her hair
To keep her prisoner in this chair
Certain sorrow from golden shear

Cursing the wicked golden shear
She vowed her locks would not be cut
A startled jump to tip her chair
As scissored maiden leaned in near
With all intention to whack the hair
A narrow miss was all her luck

Knot intact was all her luck
She sent sailing the golden shear
That had sight on her lovely hair
But on her cheek she bore a cut
From sharpened blades as they flew near
Caused by leap from cursed chair

On its side the fallen chair
From her turn of twisted luck
Today the clippers won't come near
The knot escapes the mighty shear
Souvenired by jagged cut
In saving the coveted hair

In saving her hair jumped from the chair
Suffered cut from her bad luck
Dodging the shear as it drew near

** After reading sestinas on both Kat and Jay's blogs, I decided to take on the challenge and write my own. While I really appreciate the hard work that goes into writing in this form, I do not particularly enjoy writing them myself. Please be sure to check out the above mentioned blogs for some great writing in a difficult form!

Don't You**

Don't you know how little I trust
how every relationship bit the dust
Don't you know how I feel safe
in your arms I've learned faith

Don't you see how you're setting me free
opening my heart and mind to be
Don't you see what you've undone
my bitterness and urge to run

Don't you feel my melting heart
my gratefulness for our slow start
Don't you feel how I want you close
like addiction I crave your dose

Don't you guess I could fall in love
with your guidance and little shove
Don't you guess I think your a prince
my failures give you little wince

Don't you quit sweeping me from my feet
or trying to cause my heart to beat
Don't you quit your tender style
making love seem worth while

Don't you agree we have something there
hidden beneath you know I care
Don't you agree you can coax me free
joy and love my heart to see

** This poem came about from a challenge over at Jay's Poetry Blog. Thanks for the inspiration Jay! Please keep posting more challenges!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Moody Lady Spring

Lady Spring plays a torurous game
day to day weather's not the same
sun last week and snow today
hinders any outdoor play

Wanting signs of budding flowers
brought about by April showers
wishing for the summer heat
sound of thunder can't be beat

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Short Verse

Think I'm addicted to your attention
That feeling of deep connection

That emotion you inspire deep inside
How I feel I just can't hide

Hearing your day and telling mine
Makes my heart feel sublime

Monday, March 30, 2009


I can do without those vulgar pics
Forwards of tits and old guy dicks
Videos of gross naughty things
And all the obscenity that stuff brings

Society no longer has any class
Sending a pic of some chick's ass
Don't wanna know what you do at night
The stuff they send just ain't right

Take me off your fun joke list
I guess I'm a prude, I don't get the gist
They're all gonna end when they get to me
So don't hit Forward just let me be

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Blog

Not really sure why I started a new blog
Perhaps the insanities of my mind to log
Check it out and see what you think
Just click below on the highlighted link

The Randomness in My Mind

Friday, March 6, 2009

Our Loss

Sensing the loss of art
in our culture
and watching the photographic negative
turn to black
How little we know
of what we are
compromising that which
we can't gain back

The creative outpouring
of your soul
sets a banquet
for the medium's feast
An artist's world
is sad indeed
decry I say
that mindless beast!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Warmth of my winter

He crept to me
like summer thunder
and desire
coursing under

A warm refreshing
spring-time shower
makes me
feel like
an opening flower

Starlit skies of a
cool crisp night
of his arms
holding me tight

Dance in sunshine
on a cloudy day
love’s way

Missing you

Just to see you
hear your voice
But distance leaves
us little choice
To feel your arms
wrapped into place
To feel the stuble
on your face
To taste the sweetness
of your kiss
Remembering all the
you I miss

Energy felt deep
in your eyes
How I feel
I can’t disguise
You give me calm
I give you strength
To conquer passing
of time’s length

Friday, February 20, 2009

Crying Over Spilled (Chocolate) Milk

A murderous death to my phone by chocolate
The calculator soon to follow
A murderous fate by milk awaits
Cuz I'd sooner spill than swallow

A cloudy puddle creeps closer still
Electronics about to fry
Scramble and move it all away
So communication doesn't die

A silly lymric reveals my curse
A steady hand escapes me
Or forgetting where I set my cup
It's the best excuse it can be

Monday, February 16, 2009


Could walk away
and cut my losses
Before my heart into
the embers he tosses
But I’m drawn to how
he makes me feel
I never thought
desire so real
Close my eyes and
there he is
Waiting to make
me completely his

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thelma & Louise

Louise a waitress in small town
Not known to be much of a clown
Thelma married without a life
Is miserable as Daryl’s wife

Drive away for weekend retreat
No clue of what fate they’ll meet
Encounter with a macho cad
Turned their weekend from good to bad

A girl cries like that she’s not happy
Keeps the movie from turning sappy
Stop his words and gun him down
Hurry up and get out of town

A hint at Louise’s secret past
Cop with pity wants to help them last
To Mexico they must make haste
Avoiding Texas time to waste

Make a stop to get some money
Thelma finds herself a honey
Sexual awakening for our gal
She learns too late he’s not a pal

Money gone and time running short
To rob a store their last resort
Thelma shows off her new learned skill
Cops closing in armed for the kill

Comic relief in the truck driver
His gestures insult every nine to fiver
Final standoff with obscene man
Set ablaze his rolling gas can

Thelma, Louise in their car sit
Symbolizing fear and grit
A friendship till it’s dying day
That’s something fate can’t take away

* I usually try not to give away my sources of inspiration since I firmly believe that the wonderous thing about poetry is individual interpretation. The inspiration for this piece however, besides the movie, is credited to two fun and amazing artists. The idea originally came from Kat (Poetikat). Knowing that I like the movie My Fair Lady she posted a comment with the link to her poem. The idea was to whittle a movie down to it's essence in rhyme. It sounded like a fun exercise and I spent many days trying out prose for my favorite movies, but I just couldn't find one that I could write about! Until that is, Chris (Photography139) posted a fun picture involving 2 crayfish in a car, that he entitled Thelma & Louise I encourage any of you that write to try this exercise, it was fun and different!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Daughter

Happy Birthday Daughter of almost two
From the mother who loves and dotes on you
Let joyful play and endless chatter
Be in your life all that matter

Happy birthday daughter of nearly five
Let long your love remain alive
Silly adventure and endless play
I wish to always fill your day

Happy birthday daughter of mostly ten
I pray for you endless zen
Peaceful play and endless question
Fill your heart with quiet contention

Happy Birthday Daughter of almost twelve
Into womanhood do not yet delve
Remain my child a few years yet
Stave off heart pain and young regret

Happy Birthday Daughter of almost fifteen
With love and compassion, still pristine
Let innocence linger yet another year
Be happy and joyful without any fear

Happy Birthday Daughter in the coming years
Live life strong, without any tears
Turn to your mother or to Lord above
Remain strong always on our love


I wish you could see the damage you’ve done
I wish you could see the tears of your son
I wish for a moment you’d just go away
Let them be children and happily play
I wish everyday I could ease all their pain
Bring forth the sunshine drive away rain
I wish for their safety all thru the day
When the wishes are gone I just stop and pray